Riegel Ridge Community Center Facility Rentals
Located in beautiful Hunterdon County, NJ, Riegel Ridge Community Center is available to host a variety of special events, with options to host small or large groups.
Rental Spaces
Lounge Rental
The Riegel Ridge Lounge provides an intimate setting for your private event.
- Bridal Showers
- Baby Showers
- Birthday Parties
- Retirement Parties
- Graduation Parties
The Riegel Ridge Community Center Lounge Rental offers:
- Seating for 64 people
- 1190 Sq. Ft.
- Kitchen with refrigerator, freezer, microwave and warming box
- Four-hour rental is required
- Ample parking for guests
- Affordable prices
Lounge Rental Cost:
- Holland Township Resident $400
- Non-Resident: $450
Gymnasium Rental
The Riegel Ridge’s full-size Gymnasium can be used for a variety of large gatherings.
- Tournaments
- Expos
- Auctions
- Banquets, or other large events.
The Riegel Ridge Community Center Gymnasium Rental offers:
- Capacity – 674 people
- 4670 Sq. Ft., 78’6 X 59’6
- Reservations are required in advance and is booked based on availability
- We require liability insurance to be provided with Holland Township listed as an additional insured before the rental can occur
- Sports Teams Rentals: Price to be determined
- Gymnasium rentals are not available between November and March
Gymnasium Event Rental Cost:
- Holland Township Resident $100
- Non-Resident: $130
If you could like to use the Gymnasium, please contact the Riegel Ridge Director at Director@riegelridgecc.org
Tumble Time Party Rental
Tumble Time Birthday Parties are a unique way to hold that special event for your little one!
- Use of the Gymnasium for up to 3 hours
- Gymnastic mats
- Climbing mats
- Scooters
- Houla hoops
- Low balance beam
- Parachute, and more!
- Meeting area usage for cake and refreshments, with refrigerator available
Tumble Time Rental Cost:
- Holland Township Resident $400
- Non-Resident: $450
Rental Application / Rental Fees