Pool Rules & Regulation
Pool Rules and Code of Conduct:
- Purpose
- Authority of the Pool Manager
- Operating Schedule
- Admission to the Pool Area
- General
- Use of the Pool (50 yard & multi-purpose pool)
- Use of Diving Board & Slides

I. Purpose
The following rules are established to protect the health and promote the safety of The Riegel Ridge Community Pool members and guests, to ensure their enjoyment of the pool’s facilities, to provide for orderly operation of the pool, and to enhance the standing of the pool in the community. Compliance with these rules is, therefore, the responsibility of pool’s members for themselves, their families, and their guests. While the pool’s mission is to provide a fun, relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere, our first concern is the safety of our members, especially our children, and parental cooperation and supervision is essential to this purpose. It is critical, therefore, that all parents instruct their children to observe all rules and to obey the Pool Manager and staff. Serious and repeated infractions of the pool’s rules may be cause for disciplinary action by the Pool Manager and/or the RRCC Director, and can be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of membership and forfeiture of dues. All members are expected to know the rules, and to cooperate with the Pool Manager and staff in the performance of their duties.
II. Authority of the Pool Manager
During the periods of pool operation, the Pool Manager or Assistant Manager (or, in such manager’s absence, an “acting” Pool Manager) shall have complete authority over the pool and surrounding pool property. All persons on the premises, including members, their families, guests, and employees shall be subject to the Pool Manager’s interpretation of these rules.
III. Operating Schedule
The pool is generally open from the first weekend in June through Labor Day weekend. Reduced hours will be in effect while Del Val High School and Holland School are in session. Hours for these days will be posted at the pool and on our website. In general, the pool will be open to members and guests weekdays and weekends from 12:00 to 7:30 pm, so long as the weather is permitting. Lap Swim will be available Monday-Friday, hours will be posted on our website. If possible, signs will be posted in advance to notify members of any adjustments in operating hours. In the case of inclement weather, the Riegel Ridge Facebook page will be updated and an email sent to all pool members when possible. The Pool Manager or Assistant Manager has the authority to close the pool at any time for reasons of health, safety, maintenance or hazardous weather.
IV. Admission to the Pool Area
1. Admission to the pool area during hours established for general usage will be on the following basis to members in good standing and their guests:
- Pool members and members of their immediate family are required to show their membership badges upon entry.
- Guests must be accompanied by a Riegel Ridge Pool member. Guests shall fill out a non-member waiver upon entry to the pool.
- Day Pass – Anyone who purchases a day pass. The Riegel Ridge Pool offers a daily fee of $12 for adults, $10 for children and $10 for seniors. Children are those 12 years and younger and seniors are those 65 and older. Children under 12 months or younger are free.
- Special conditions for guests not clearly defined in the above shall be referred to the Parks & Recreation Director.
- Children of members unaccompanied by an adult will be admitted to the pool area as follows:
- Children who are 14 through 18 years of age may be admitted to the pool area without an adult, provided the parents have indicated their consent by signing the membership application or a parent/guardian has signed the pool non-member wavier. Signature of the non-waiver waiver for a minor must be completed by the child’s parent/guardian. The pool non-member waiver must be signed every year. Children under the age of 14 will only be permitted to use the pool facilities with a parent/guardian.
- If a pool closing occurs while a child is at the pool unaccompanied, parents must be available or have made arrangements to have their child picked up by a responsible adult. Neither Holland Township nor The Riegel Ridge Community Pool can be responsible for any child left outside the pool facilities once it has closed.
- If any child who is unaccompanied by an adult is asked to leave the pool more than three times during the course of the summer for disciplinary reasons, that child will not be permitted entry to the pool area without a supervising adult.
- When the pool is closed, only authorized persons on specific business will be permitted in the pool area.
- Members, guests or day pass holders showing evidence of skin diseases, open sores, infectious eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharges or any other communicable disease or condition will not be permitted in the pool.
- Members, guests or day pass holders suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted in the pool area.
V. General
1. Membership is discounted for those that reside in Holland Township. Non-Residents are welcome to join at the non-resident rate.
2. All members will be issued membership cards. Those cards must be presented to the staff upon entry. Membership cards are non-transferable. Anyone transferring a card or receiving a transferred card may have their membership privileges revoked.
3. Guest Passes – Family: 6 passes, Couple: 4, Individual: 2, Young Adult: 0 guest passes
5. Alcoholic beverages are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
6. All injuries, no matter how minor, should be reported immediately to the Manager or staff.
7. Absolutely no foul or abusive language, swearing, fighting, or threatening or obscene gestures on pool. The Pool Manager or their designate is authorized to take appropriate action that may include contacting local authorities in response to activities that threaten the health, safety and comfort of our members and guests.
8. Expectoration, roughness, rowdiness or other conduct affecting the safety or comfort of others shall not be permitted.
9. Smoking/vaping is prohibited on all Riegel Ridge property.
10. No glass containers will be allowed on pool premises.
11. All trash and recyclables should be placed in designated receptacles.
12. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible member or day pass holder. The Riegel Ridge Pool or Holland Township will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
13. Pets are not allowed in the pool area at any time.
14. No bikes or skateboards in the pool area at any time.
15. Trespassing on or off hours is strictly prohibited.
16. Any person who violates Riegel Ridge Pool polices shall be subject to immediate ejection from the pool and is subject to having their membership revoked or suspended.
VI. Use of the Pool
1. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS AND SAFETY OF THEIR MINOR CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES. While the staff is tasked with ensuring the safety of all swimmers, each parent must realistically evaluate the skill and experience level of their child and supervise accordingly.
2. The pool may be used only when it is properly staffed with a Manager or designated Manager and the appropriate number of lifeguards.
3. Always obey the lifeguards and Pool Manager – his/her decision is FINAL!
4. Running on the deck of the pool is not permitted.
5. Always shower before entering the pool.
6. Always use restrooms!
7. The lifeguard chairs are to be occupied only by the lifeguards on duty.
8. Please enjoy your food, gum or beverages on the lawn – absolutely no food, drink, or gum in the pool.
9. Any act which in the opinion of a staff member constitutes a hazard or danger to other swimmers shall not be permitted. This includes:
1. Dunking, pushing or pulling people into the pool
2. Hitting other swimmers
3. Standing on rafts or tubes
4. Hard balls (e.g. tennis balls, racquetball balls) IN the pool
5. Rafts and tubes are permitted on float night only
10. Keep all rafts and tubes away from edge of pool during designated times.
11. No child in the baby pool may be left unattended or unsupervised at any time. A supervising parent or responsible adult must be in or on the edge of the baby pool at all times.
12. All diaper-age (not toilet trained) children in baby pool or large pool must wear swim diapers at all times. These are available at the front desk for purchase if needed.
13. If child is unable to swim without the aid of a puddle jumper or life vest, an adult must be in the water and within arms’ reach of the child at all times. No water wings or swimmies are permitted in the pool. Only US Coast Guard Approved life saving devices.
14. The Riegel Ridge Pool has established the following guidelines for disciplinary purposes:
1. First offense: verbal warning by the staff
2. Second offense: benching by staff member for ten minutes
3. Third offense: pool privileges suspended for rest of the day, with written notation in file
VII. Use of Slides
1. One person is to be on the slide at a time.
2. No t-shirts, life jackets or swimmies permitted on the slide. Bathing suits only.
3, No traveling head first down the slide.
4. Keep all body parts in the flume.
5. After exiting the slide all riders shall exit the pool promptly.