Becoming an RRCC member is easy! It only requires a visit to our fitness center front desk, submittal of a membership application and providing a cash, check or credit card payment.
Your membership begins as soon as your application process is completed; we encourage working out the day of sign up!
Membership Application
Age 13 & Up
Membership Rules
Any two adults plus their dependents age 10 to 23. All must live at the same address.
Note: All 10 – 12-year-olds & under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Any two adults age 18 – 64 years or any single parent & child age 10 – 23. Must live at same address.
Note: All 10 – 12-year-olds & under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Age 24 – 64 years.
Senior Couple
Any two adults: one must be 65+ years old.
Must live at same address.
Single Senior
Any person 65+ years old.
Young Adult
Any individual age 13 – 23 years.
Daily Fee
Price: $10 Residents & $12 Non-Residents
Membership Management & Cancelation
If you would like to cancel your monthly membership, please fill out this form and return it to or mail to 910 Milford Warren Glen Rd. Milford, NJ 08848. Perpetual Memberships renew on the 15th of the month. Please allow 30 day written notice, which means you will have one final payment after signing the Member Edit Form.
Please note that if you have not received an email confirmation of membership termination, that you will continue to be charged for any future payments. Please notify RRCC at if you have not received a confirmation email.